To be resolved

How did you do on last year’s New Year’s resolutions? Do you anticipate there would be any leftover items to be carried over to next year?

New Year has always seemed to me a beginning of a new cycle, or a new path of self-development, but I never write detailed resolutions, having only abstractive understanding of my plans for future. But this year will end with a following resolution.

First of all, I would like to become more assertive and self-confident. I need thus some more courage in my daily affairs. In addition, I need some courage to esteem my faults and failures and put them on the path of improvement: it seems like I’m becoming dependant upon the opinions of my surrounding (friends, relatives and classmates), so I would like to manage some situations on my own, without relying upon the others’ advice or imposition. I want to become more independent in my attitudes and viewpoints and to get the ability to separate my judgments from those of others. I would like to say that I will not keep waiting for New Year and will realize my plan in the nearest future… It is not necessary to wait for new cycle in order to change your life, because some alterations can and must be done immediately.I would just leave all the negatives in this year and be a new version of myself in for New Years. I would continue to keep all the good company in my life and for the next year.

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